A luxury boutique-style skin and beauty studio, with a focus on holistic facials. We are conveniently located in the heart of downtown Westfield. Clients will be pleased to find a warm and inviting environment with a European touch. We offer transformative skin treatments and luxurious beauty retail. At Raye Skin Studio, all skin is unique and each treatment is tailored specifically for you.
Your Non-invasive skin destination. Our facials are results-driven, but always include a healthy dose of relaxation. We are extensively trained and certified in various massage techniques. Every RSS facial includes our signature lift + sculpt or lymphatic facial massage to flush out toxins and promote healthy circulation.
Attention to detail and quality is everything at Raye Skin Studio. Fresh florals weekly, candles lit, and handmade organic tea and spa water are a few of the touches you will find to elevate your experience.
Our facialist's gifted hands paired with our impressive array of non-invasive machines and curated professional products make for an unforgettable facial.
Treat yourself from the inside out. Launching soon!
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